#LOVECHAMPIONS #TLCI #OneLove #OneHeart #EmpowermentsOfScale

Small actions add up to big change. LOVECHAMPIONS empowers WE THE PEOPLE to collectively purchase real estate and other capital assets across the country each month with every donation. Together, we aim to eliminate WEALTH INEQUALITY within a few decades.


Imagine 333+ million people coming together to invest into one another collectively.

IT’S TIME to revolutionize the social services landscape of the United States! Through capitalism. Through ’empowerments of scale’. Through active, civic participation by every American. 

Why? Because together, as LOVE and with the assistance of technology, WE THE PEOPLE finally have the power to cooperatively transform the country in ways that Government, corporate America and Big Philanthropy never could. Together, we have the ability to autonomously provide upward mobility and a better quality of life for everyone involved. And together, we have the collective buying power to purchase (and repurpose) capital & real estate for stewardship by future generations. 

THE LOVECHAMPIONS INITIATIVE #TLCI would not only help to supplement the current healthcare & educational marketplaces, but it would also allow for continuous investment into more fun, “destination-al” experiences and other membership benefits that everyone in the country could actively participate in and enjoy more and more over time. BUT the dream all starts with our ability to come together and collectively invest into tomorrow’s potential today for the future benefit of all.


333+ million people

Each pledging $1 or more each month as a conscious, symbolic gesture that they love themselves enough to invest into their own lives (and future generations) first each day.

Nationwide projects

The LOVECHAMPIONS social campus network will serve as a tangible “social network” of campuses where members can connect within physical communities throughout the country.

$333+ million

Monthly #TLCI donations will be dedicated to proactively purchasing and repurposing land, buildings and other capital assets to be used for the collective good of everyone involved.

Alone we are powerful, but together we are so much more. And it is together, through LOVE, that we will collectively transform this country and live into our destined future. Together, collectively united, is how we will begin to create a higher sense of purpose for every human being on the planet by way of our everyday example.

Some may say I’m a dreamer, but just as the great late John Lennon used to say, I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE. And just like he believed we could do all those years ago, I hope someday soon you too will join us AND THE WORLD CAN LIVE AS ONE.

~ Timothy-Christian, Founder

Monthly newsletter

As part of your monthly $1 donation, you’ll receive updates on our progress and where exactly each dollar of everyone’s combined efforts are going, etc. We’ll also update you on how we’ll be using part of those funds to build out this website (and our future apps) as an online social network that we can ultimately use to connect offline — via “safe zones” of love and light where we can immerse and get away from all the negativity and division and conflicts of the world that so often want to pull us in. We’ll also be asking you to contribute your ideas and collaborate with other members throughout the country as we move forward, specifically as they pertain to the facilities and the potential benefits for each one of us therein.